Category: Uncategorized
Week 19, 2023
There is a lot of heat today on the social sphere regarding the appointment of the Mayor’s Daughter as the Chief Heat Officer. While there is a concern that this is a nepotist move by the mayor – my take on it is simple: for a role paid for by a foreign foundation, the mayor’s…
Week 18, 2023
এখন পর্যন্ত আমি একটাও নেগেটিভ পোস্ট দেখিনাই যে মুক্তাদির কাকে বিয়ে করলো কিংবা কেন করলো। তবে এখন পর্যন্ত প্রায় ১০-১২ জন দেখছি খুবই কন্সারন্ড যে এইটা নিয়ে তাঁদের আশেপাশের মানুষ অনেক কথা বলছে এবং তাঁরা তা মেনে নিতে পারছেন না। ওয়ান ওয়ার্ড অফ এডভাইসঃ এই ধরনের মানুষকে লাইফ থেকে কেটে ফেলে নিজের বাবলে ঢুকে যান।…
Week 17, 2023
রিসেন্টলি ঘটে যাওয়া ফায়ার ইন্সিডেন্টগুলো (বঙ্গবাজার এবং নিউ মার্কেট এর আগুন) আমার মনে হয় আরসন না। আরসন জাস্ট মেইস এভ্রিথিং ওরস। আপনি হাল্কা পাতলা পলিটিক্স জানলেও কোনোদিন আরসন কে সলিউশন ভাববেন না। কারন এতে আপনার নিজের নাম আরও বেশী নষ্ট হবে। উল্টো এক বিল্ডিং লোক খেদায়ে একটা মার্কেট করতে ইন রিয়েলিটি আপনার হয়তো ৫০ জন…
Week 16, 2023
রাজউকের টিচার সংক্রান্ত স্ক্রিনশটগুলো আগলি। এই ধরনের রিভেঞ্জ পর্ণ শেয়ার করাটা একটা ক্রাইম। পাব্লিকলি এইগুলা নিয়ে মজা নেওয়াটা আপনার নীচ মানসিকতার প্রমান বহন করে। এই পুরো ইভেন্টে একজন ভিক্টিম কে আপনারা জেনে বুঝে পাব্লিকলি শেইম করছেন – দ্যাটস জাস্ট আনএক্সেপ্টেবল।
Week 15, 2023
বিদ্যানন্দ ইস্যুতে আমি ওদের বিপক্ষের পার্টিকে বিশ্বাস করিনা। কিছু সিম্পল মিস্টেইক কে নিয়ে যেভাবে তেনা পেঁচানো হইলো – সেইটা দেখে মনে হচ্ছে যে পুরো ইস্যুটাই পার্সোনাল কিংবা পলিটিক্যাল গ্রাজ থেকে শুরু।
Week 13, 2023
I have a newfound respect for Chaana Daal or Chickpea. Its a massive struggle to make it work as food. Putting it in water for 12 hours isn’t enough. Boiling it for 30 mins is not enough. And it doesn’t even burn properly when you forget to add water to the mix. Elon, please make…
Week 12, 2023
I somehow feel that offers that say, “Buy 2, Get 1” are rather misleading. You see, I already bought 2, so that’s what I should be getting minimum. If I get an extra free, then it should say “Buy 2, Get 3”. I don’t know why it doesn’t tick off anybody else.
Week 11, 2023
Noticed that Facebook can now translate cross-language. You could write the Urdu language in English text, and yet they can detect and translate that pretty well. This is rocket science.
Week 10, 2023
This week is seeing an odd amount of reports/speculation about GPT-4 release and how its going to take over the world. Sounds good. But only if people understood the context and learned how to use it instead of being wary about it. – Also, what’s up with setting the clocks back again? How is this…
Week 9, 2023
I learned this week that there is a Scottish Island (Gruinard) that’s off-limits because some idiot thought it would be a good idea to drop anthrax-filled cakes inside Germany to help stop the war. The test island was contaminated for 50 years.
Week 8, 2023
There is a fantastic book around the 1971 war named “আমরা তোমার শান্তিপ্রিয় শান্ত ছেলে” by Kishor Pasha. Wish it had an English translation though. Worth a read.
Week 7, 2023
I have recently been struggling with getting a specific thing done. Not because I can’t do it or don’t want to – but because the constant delivery deadline is turning into a pressure that reduces the quality of work that I do. Naturally, I don’t end up liking what I have just done, and end…
Product VS People
What’s a Product First Approach? A product-first approach in Product Management is a focus on delivering the best possible product experience and outcomes for the customer. It prioritizes the product and its features, design, user experience, and technical excellence. In this approach, the Product Manager is responsible for defining the product vision, roadmap, and requirements,…
Okay, you are hired. Now what?
Everybody asks questions about what is the right set of questions to ask in an Interview – or beyond. But what happens once you are hired? What questions should you be asking once you are in the team (or even earlier, for that matter)? Here are a few good questions to ask as a new…
Week 4, 2023
This week has been quite full of interesting and startling conversations so far. Over the weekend, I had this sudden realization that somehow, the current generation of Alems do not want the children to study about evolution or natural selection as plausible theories. Apparently, its new to the National Curriculum, and people aren’t too happy…
Week 3, 2023
The week is oddly infuriating. There isn’t much happening other than random people suddenly discovering ChatGPT and going bonkers over it without a full understanding of its potential. There is a news that consumer loans will now be costlier – which sounds like what’s going to happen is that inflation will be moderate in the…
Week 2, 2023
Nothing interesting is happening. Although I just got approved for attending the PMP Exam and aim to sit for it in March. Things look good. Expensive af though.
Week 1, 2023
Odd that nobody still realizes that we don’t really require fireworks and fiery lanterns to celebrate the new years eve. Especially not in super polluted skies of Dhaka. I think it was worse this year compared to last year – and I can only assume that things will get worse in the coming days. Somehow,…
Does your Kindle make you forget the Book/Writer?
I face an awkward moment whenever someone asks me what book I recently read or just wants a recommendation. It’s not that I don’t have one; rather, it’s that I can’t remember the book name or the writer’s name because I read them on a kindle and all I ever saw was the text inside.…
A random thought on Elon Musk
Watching one of the world’s richest man trying to determine what free speech means within his empire, while his empire sort of burns in the background, is rather interesting. Especially given the fact that he bought the rights to do it – and so it is neither immoral nor unethical for him to do so.…
Glory Casino Online ️official Casino And Betting In Banglades
Glory Casino Online ️official Casino And Betting In Bangladesh “Fame Casino Online ⭐️ Play Now About Official Web Web Site In Bangladesh Fame Casino Bangladesh Content What Bonuses Are Provided After Glory Online Casino Registration? Online Table Games Glory Casino Welcome Bonus How To Sign-up At Glory Casino Popular Games At Beauty Casino Tournament Excitement…
Random Thought about Dengue (Sept 29, 2022)
আপনি যদি লাস্ট কয়েকদিন টিভি নিউজ দেখে থাকেন – তাহলে প্রায় প্রতি বেলার নিউজে দেখবেন যে সরকারি কেও না কেও বলে বেড়াচ্ছে যে ডেঙ্গু পরিস্থিতি অবনতি হওয়ার আগেই তাঁরা সচেতন হতে চায় এবং এর বিরুদ্ধে কাজ করছে। সাউন্ডস ফেয়ার এন্ড ফাইন। ফ্যান্টাস্টিক স্টেটমেন্ট। সমস্যা হচ্ছে, ঠিক কোন পরিস্থিতিতে আমরা বলতে পারবো যে ডেঙ্গু পরিস্থিতির অবনতি…
Random Thought (Sept 24, 2022)
Somehow, our expectations from machines are very low. A few years ago, when the first generation of conversational AI’s started to pop up, we all got super excited by the concept of chatbots taking over the world and making support agents useless. It was followed by GPT-3’s ability to write given a prompt. Some said…
How early do you wake up?
Over the last few years, I have been noticing that my counterparts in Europe are very willing to take up 7 AM meetings (schedules that they themselves suggest, not to avoid any clash). Something we in Bangladesh would find very strange (work here starts after 9, and usually gains pace after 10). Plus, I have…
The golden rule of software demo’s
The golden rule of software demo’s is that something will go wrong with your software the moment you are demoing it to a 100+ audience. It will perfectly fine the 12 times you did the internal demo or your QA – but one edge case will rise just at that perfect moment on your demo…