Author: [email protected]
Week 52, 2024
I sometimes get this quaint and fleeting yearning about becoming a teacher of some sorts in some kind of a mentorship program. Generally tends to be an idea that I feel would be liberating in some way. The only problem being that I don’t feel I know anything well enough to be a teacher in…
Week 52, 2024
ভিউ ফ্রম মাই উইন্ডো নামের একটা গ্রুপ আছে। সেইখানে একজন পোস্ট করেছে যে উনি থাকেন কুইন্সল্যান্ডের হ্যামিল্টন দ্বীপে – সামনেই গ্রেট ব্যারিয়ার রিফ। বিউটিফুল ভিউ। সেইখানে লোকজন কমেন্ট করছে যে জানালা বন্ধ রাইখো – কাকাতুয়া এসে ঢুকবে। সেও এসে কমেন্ট করছে যে এই ভুল করেছিল – পাখি এসে চিনির প্যাকেট ছড়ায়ে একাকার করে ফেলসে। এই…
Week 51, 2024
মাঝে মদ্ধেই দেখি মানুষজন পোস্ট দেয় যে ইউসুফ সরকার গত ৪ মাসে কিছু করতে পারেনাই কেন হ্যান ত্যান। পড়লেই বুঝতে পারি যে এরা কেও জীবনে কোন কর্পোরেট অরগানাইজেশনের রিস্ট্রাকচারিং দেখে নাই। ৪ মাসে কিছুই হয়নারে পাগলা। খালি ইন্ডিস্ক্রিমিনেট ফায়ারিং ছাড়া আর কিছুই তাড়াতাড়ি হয়না। As my daroan would say, “শাম্বাব লা”।
Week 46, 2024
স্বপ্নের গরুর মাংসের কম্বো নিয়ে সামহাউ একটা মার্কেট ইম্প্রেশন তৈরি হয়েছে যে দেশের সবাই ইনফ্লেশনের জাতায় এখন কোলকাতার লাইফ স্ট্যান্ডার্ডে “ফল-ব্যাক” করছে। এইটায় পারশিয়ালি এগ্রি করলেও – আমার মনে হয় এই একটা ইভেন্ট/স্ট্যাট একলাই তেমন কিছু রিপ্রেজেন্ট করেনা। স্বপ্নের নিজের হিসেবে সেই গরুর মাংসের কম্বো প্যাকেট বিক্রি হয়েছে নয় দিনে ৭৫,০০০। দৈনিক সাড়ে আট হাজারের…
Week 41, 2023
ছোট ছোট স্টারটআপ গুলোয় যারা মুভ করছেন – তাঁদের জন্য কোম্পানি কালচার প্রেডিক্ট করা অনেক টাফ। এনাফ ইনফরমেশন থাকেনা। এক দুইজন পরিচিত থাকলেও তেমন ভোকাল থাকেনা জেহুতু ছোট সার্কেল। এই কেইসগুলায় সবচাইতে সিম্পল এবং ইজি ট্রিক হচ্ছে এর ফাউন্ডার/ওউনার একটা খাসড়া পাবলিক কিনা সেইটা ডিটারমাইন করা। তাঁকে যদি সবাই স্যার স্যার করে – তাহলে এইটা…
Week 40, 2023
There is a beautiful blog from Benchling Engineering where they used a suffix tree and depth-first search to solve a problem related to finding the longest common sub-string. What makes it very interesting is that the problem is something that originates from a first-year biology and computer science course’s context. On the other hand, it’s…
Week 39, 2023
I don’t understand the complaints about the 15 Pro not having really good heat dissipators. How many people do you know who game for long hours on their iPhone? If it doesn’t heat up while I am on a Teams call for long ours – I am happy to buy it.
Week 38, 2023
Apparently, Microsoft is looking at next-generation nuclear reactors to power its data centers and AI, according to a job listing for someone to lead the way. Starting to wish that private nuclear power plants were a thing!
Week 37, 2023
I think every robot that tries to cook eggs is set up to fail in some way or the other. I know human chefs cooking for years who can’t get eggs right :3 But LLM’s teaching actuators how to whisk an egg is such a dream project 😭
Week 36, 2023
Read a report that Phenylephrine is basically as good as a placebo when it comes to being a decongestant. Now – I am not a pharmacist. I am neither a doctor. So it should not matter to me. But it does. Because I have had medicines that had this as an element in it. This…
Week 35, 2023
I had a rather strange curiosity today. How do fuel pumps on rockets work? I imagine that the use of pressured gas would be a good way to enable that (same as how F1 cars are fueled). It appears that turbo pumps also have to struggle with temperature and pressure differences in the extremities of…
Week 34, 2023
I will never understand why climate activists glue themselves to the roads. I have tried. Trust me. But it just makes no logical sense.
Week 33, 2023
An op-ed in the New York Times argues that “sex work is an inappropriate phrase because it is neither sex nor work.” In the piece titled “What It Means to Call Prostitution Sex Work“, Paul argues against the use of the phrase, citing a source who argues that “it is neither sex nor work.” It…
Week 32, 2023
Read on a PWC publication that leaders at a UK-based housing-management company thought that collecting rents via its app was the key to its business continuity. But C-suite discussions around the question What if? revealed that paying its suppliers promptly mattered more. If the app crashed, rental payments would be late, but the company could…
Week 31, 2023
Read a really interesting article recently around how time is a very perceptive matter. The idea is that while clocks measure objective time, people perceive and value time subjectively. When time feels like it’s dragging due to monotony or boredom, people become disengaged – even though in real life it might just have been a…
Week 30, 2023
I don’t understand the UX behind Test Results from Bangladeshi Hospitals. Look, it’s not that tough to mark out the good ones and the bad ones. Just tell me it’s fine. Wtf is up with making me read 1.23 < n > 2.31 and then making me compare it against my result of 17.82? Just…
Week 29, 2023
If there was a policy-level journalistic maturity, Bangladeshi news portals would refrain from sensationalizing the lives of Parimoni’s son or Shakib Khan’s son. These children will grow up. They will go to school. They will lead public lives. The amount of social stigma or bullying they will have to face due to these clickbait news…
Week 28, 2023
I will never understand why top-notch Dhaka hospitals don’t provide a bed for the attendant. Its not like their service is so good that you don’t need an attendant. When you are already charging so much money, why arrange for a useless half-sofa, half-divan type of reclining chair? What’s the problem with providing a normal…
Week 26, 2023
This year was odd. My feed was completely devoid of any gore on Eid – and I am not sure whether it was my own bubble or whether people just stopped posting. But probably, it was the advent of cheaper algorithms that can now run on every image at a low cost – thus making…
Week 25, 2023
I meme I read today said: next time you are afraid to share ideas in a meeting – remember that someone once said in a meeting “let’s make a film with a tornado full of sharks” and got that approved.
Week 24, 2023
An interesting grouping I read today was around the 12 Jungian Archetypes. Now – don’t get me wrong – I understand that it’s usually quite useless to try and group human behavior into any type (sorry ABCD folks). The trait around any of these personality types is that they usually have to be universal, meaning…
Week 22, 2023
Fariha made me buy an Anton Chekhov collection the other day. It’s covered in gold foils that sizzle and snap in the dark. Even the pages have a colored edge that gives me goosebumps. On the back, there is one sentence that goes “and only when his head was grey, he had fallen properly, really…
Week 20, 2023
This week, I had a nice realization that you can learn how to “speak better” and that it has nothing to do with knowing the words, but a lot more to do with watching how people use them better than how you did. A nice situation was when a colleague used “it leaves a lot…