Here is the deal: I particularly am not against people who eat meat. I like meat, and my actions cause chickens and cows and goats and many such animals to be murdered on a regular basis. Living at the top of the food chain, I am not particularly morally inclined to stop this violence. Offcourse, you may differ – but neither my religious exposure, nor my upbringing ever taught me to think in any other way.
This also constitutes to the fact that I do not particularly mind if someone eats dogs, or kangaroos, or deer.
As long as the animal is treated gently (off course, murder can only be slightly gentle), and is not on the verge of extinction, I don’t mind if the Chinese eat their Chihuahua’s and drink the blood of their sacrificial Dingo’s.
That amount of moral absolution just isn’t in me.
So yeah, it would be lovely if you stop sending me avaaz and change~org petitions while I munch on my Stir Fried Beef Curry, and gobble up my BBQ Chickens Drumsticks.