The other day, I came across a thought provoking question. If you were asked to answer who you are – without mentioning your name or profession – what would you really answer? Would you identify yourself with the things you have done in life?
Give it a little thought, and you will realize how thought provoking it is. It is hard to answer. And yet, it is the simplest question ever. Who are we – if we are not our actions?
But wait, if we were nothing but our actions – would we still be unique? Would we be who we are?
I will be honest, I have gone over this for a while now – and it is a question that I am not comfortable enough to answer. Yet. But here are a collection of people who have amazingly answered their view on it:
But then you realize, this is all that distinguishes you.
But wait, you know what the point of all of this is? It is the fact that after reading all of these – could you even remember one person by what they think they are?
Probably not.
It is probably because we are what people think we are.